I managed to stretch my distances a bit and run more or less regularly. I only skipped once when I swapped my run for a few Belgian beers while enjoying the late afternoon sun in Bruges. I can now comfortably handle 4 kilometers (meaning on flat terrain and at a slow pace). I also didn’t smoke for almost the entire month, which helped significantly.

Date Distance Pace Avg HR Ascent Duration
dd/mm km min/km bpm m hh:mm:ss
27/01 4.3 06:52 142 32 00:29:44
23/01 4.3 06:55 145 32 00:29:57
20/01 4.3 06:56 142 34 00:30:04
17/01 4.4 06:45 147 32 00:29:57
14/01 4.3 07:05 144 40 00:30:41
11/01 3.6 06:59 148 25 00:25:24
08/01 3.3 06:53 142 30 00:23:00
05/01 3.2 07:17 141 32 00:23:09
02/01 2.8 06:53 148 29 00:19:09
9x 34.7 06:57 144 286 04:01:05
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